SeaPattern Hydrokinetic Energy System is a unique combination of our proprietary Hydrokinetic Turbines, Dynamic Grid System, Ground Support Equipment and Control Platform.

Our modular and integrated solutions are designed to maximize energy capture, optimize performance, and ensure seamless operation – all while enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of existing infrastructure.

Below, we delve into each key component that makes SeaPattern a leader in innovative Hydropower Technology.

Hydrokinetic Turbines

Our floating Hydrokinetic Turbines are engineered to function either independently or as part of a dynamic network. Utilizing the proven Darrieus H-type design, they will be available in multiple generator variants to suit a range of energy needs.

Each turbine is equipped with multiple sensors and an integrated Telemetry System that continuously monitors performance, environmental conditions such as water speed, and energy production. This data is securely transmitted to the Control Platform, where it is processed and displayed through an intuitive, user-friendly interface.

Dynamic Grid System

The Dynamic Grid System is a cutting-edge technology designed to optimize the performance of our Hydrokinetic Turbines. This innovative system helps to adjust the placement of each turbine, ensuring maximum energy capture and efficiency.

The number of turbines is flexible and determined based on customer requirements, such as target Gigawatt (GW) hours per year or power capacity in kilowatts (kW).

Our system leverages drone technology to scan and monitor water flow conditions, capturing critical data on current speeds, water levels, and debris patterns. The video below showcases three turbines in operation, with dark red indicating water speeds of up to 3.0 m/s.

Ground Support Equipment

The Ground Support Equipment is an essential component of the SeaPattern Hydrokinetic Energy System, ensuring that the energy generated by the turbines is efficiently converted and transformed into “grid-ready” power or stored in custom battery power banks.

SeaPattern Power2Grid
SeaPattern Power2Storage

Control Platform

Our Control Platform is the central hub that connects and manages the entire system, offering real-time data, diagnostics, and predictive support – all accessible from anywhere in the world. With its intuitive interface, the platform allows you to monitor real-time statistics and diagnostics via mobile devices, providing seamless access to critical data for efficient control and optimization of turbine performance, even on the go.

Optimizing with AI

SeaPattern leverages AI to optimize its hydrokinetic systems by analyzing real-time data, predicting maintenance needs, and dynamically adjusting turbine positioning based on environmental conditions. The AI-driven Control Platform automates routine tasks, enhances decision-making, and monitors environmental impacts, ensuring efficient and sustainable turbine operations.

This image showcases the back-end view used by our engineers to monitor and manage turbine performance in real time.