Here you’ll find the latest news and media coverage about SeaPattern.
Stay updated on our journey as we continue to push the boundaries of hydrokinetic power and renewable energy solutions.

Articles (in English)
2024/09/20 | SeaPattern takes major leap forward with hydrokinetic energy system at Svartåfors hydropower plant | Linköping Science Park |
2023/10/27 | SeaPattern’s ground-breaking innovation opens the door to green electricity | Linköping Municipality |

“At Bifrost Summit in Silicon Valley, we’ve witnessed groundbreaking ideas for a sustainable future. Representing SeaPattern here has been incredibly inspiring, highlighting the potential for significant impact through innovation and collaboration. As we explore new opportunities in the U.S. market, I’m excited about the role SeaPattern will play in contributing to sustainable change.”
Articles (in Swedish)
2024/05/14 | LEAD: Främjar innovation som ska förändra svensk vattenkraft | NyTeknik |
2024/03/13 | LiU Invest investerar i SeaPattern | LEAD |
2024/03/18 | LEAD-bolaget SeaPattern pitchade i Silicon Valley | LEAD |
2023/11/10 | Seapattern blev årets nykomling på Tappra barns välgörenhetsgala | Affärsstaden |
2023/05/24 | SeaPatterns banbrytande innovation skapar grön el | Linköping Kommun |
2023/05/15 | Smart turbin ger mer energi | Energi&miljö |
2023/05/12 | Ny typ av vattenkraftsturbin testas nedströms Svartåfors vattenkraftstation | Tekniska Verken |
Press Enquires

For all media and press inquiries, please contact our CEO Niklas Boman.
We’re happy to provide information, interviews, and additional resources about SeaPattern’s innovations and projects.
Company Boilerplate
SeaPattern Sweden AB is a Swedish company pioneering advanced technology to enhance electricity generation in existing hydropower plants and streams. Our dynamic Hydrokinetic Energy System, installed downstream of traditional turbines, captures energy from water that has already passed through the plant. This innovative approach boosts power output without the need for major infrastructure changes or additional environmental impact.